I first tried kale chips only about 9 months ago. I'm always a little late to the game, it seems. I stumbled upon a raw/whole foods café in my town's arts district where I found little bags of these crunchy green wonders. I tried them and was ...
Raw Strawberry & Coconut Mini Ice Cream Cakes
*These Raw Strawberry & Coconut Mini Ice Cream Cakes are vegan, refined sugar free, dairy free, & gluten free. I feel like once the warmer weather hits, all I post are strawberries. Cakes, ice creams, pies, you name it. I'm sorry, guys, I ...
Raw Sunflower Butter Cups
*These Sunflower Butter Cups are nut free, dairy free, refined sugar free, gluten free, paleo friendly and vegan. As much as I love and adore peanut butter (and I LOVE LOVE LOVE peanut butter), it isn't always the best option around our house. The ...
Raw Chocolate Cake Brownies with Fluffy Chocolate Frosting
*These brownies are raw, vegan-friendly, gluten free, refined sugar free, and diary free. Oh, and super delicious. So. It's been about 2 weeks now with no refined sugar in my house. And I am LOVING it. Last night I drank my herbal tea with no ...
Homemade Almond Joys{Raw & Vegan}
My parents try to stay away from refined sugars and dairy, which means they are not always a lot of help in the taste testing department. Couple that with my need to tone it down with all the sugar I bake with and you get a few healthy desserts every ...